
She felt so beaten, so defeated.
It all just hurt so bad.
His voice, though…
God, his voice.
His touch, his soft smile, his kisses, his eyes.
Everything about him soothed her, calmed the burning pain in the wounds of her heart.
In her worst moments, he could calm her and take her from horrifying hopelessness, verge of death, to the safer state of tears.
Often, he made her smile.
Sometimes even laugh…
Truly he was a god send.
Her angel and protector.
Slowly, she allowed herself to lower the final walls.
Very slowly, she fell in love.
Or, rather, admitted it to herself.
She didn’t want to be in love again.
Too much at stake.
Love… love was fine.
The friendship, or family, type of love.
Not the passionate, reckless, terrible love that destroyed her when it ended.
Love is heaven on earth… the end of it is living hell.
Only once had she been in love.
It had scarred her, ruined her.
He was so perfect, lovely and pure and perfect, and she had hurt him so bad.
And every pain she caused him, she felt a hundred times over.
So one can imagine what a disaster she was when it was finished.
She still has the scars from the end…
Perhaps they will never fade.
But her angel…
He allowed her to forget.
And forgetting is a beautiful thing in short periods.
Not forever, of course.
That would be horrible.
But a respite from the nightmarish memories was good for her.
Helped her.
Healed her ever so slowly.
Indeed, she was falling in love…

~ by scribbz on November 2, 2008.

2 Responses to “11/2”

  1. ooo whose this about??????

    No one luv. Just a bit of dreamy eyed writing.

  2. The title allows the observant reader to think that maybe love falls upon you more than once.
    And, without wanting to conform to the idiocy of humanity, I must ask…has it befallen you more than once?
    This is certainly one of your best works.

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